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10 Lifestyle Changes for Hypertension and Improved Heart Health

10 Lifestyle Changes for Hypertension and Improved Heart Health

10 Lifestyle Changes for Hypertension and Improved Heart Health

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition that affects millions of people all over the world. Having high blood pressure can be a major sign of developing heart disease and other associated health issues. Even though many different medicines and therapeutic practices can help in controlling high blood pressure, making lifestyle changes also have a major role in preventing hypertension and improving heart health.  

  The following lifestyle adjustments can significantly enhance heart health and reduce the risk of hypertension: 

Regular exercise:  

Getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day may seem insignificant but can greatly help in lowering blood pressure. Having moderately intensive exercise for most of the days of the week can also help in reducing the risk of heart disease, while also improving mobility and alleviating a variety of joint pain. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise can reduce systolic pressure by 5.09 mmHg.[1][2] 

Healthy diet:  

Having a healthy and complete diet helps in the creation of a strong body. The inclusion of nutritious foods in the diet like lean protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products that are low in fat can contribute to the lowering of blood pressure. Similarly, it is important to avoid foods that are high in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium.  

Maintain a healthy weight:  

Weight is closely connected to blood pressure. Being overweight can result in higher blood pressure over time. Through proper diet and exercise, weight can be lost effectively, which also reduces the risk of high blood pressure. 

Reduce salt intake:  

Excess sodium intake is a massive contributor to high blood pressure. Excess salt from fried and junk foods can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and hypertension. In a normal Indian household, the average consumption of salt is between 10-12 grams per day. It is recommended to limit sodium consumption to 2.3 grams each day. If already suffering from hypertension, then it should be limited to 1.5 grams.[3] 

Limit alcohol:  

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease. Men should have no more than two drinks per day, and women should have no more than one. Cutting down on alcohol consumption as much as possible will serve the greatest interest in terms of preserving health and combating high blood pressure.  

Quit smoking:  

Commonly associated with the development of lung cancer and breathing problems, smoking also contributes towards hypertension. Smoking damages the body through the absorption of nicotine, causing the heart to beat faster, thereby raising blood pressure. Quitting smoking can help improve heart health, lower the risk of heart disease, and prevent the onset of a host of other illnesses and issues. 

Manage stress: 

Stress is one of the more common causes of hypertension. Chronic stress can elevate blood pressure because the body remains in a state of fear and feels threatened. In response, more adrenaline is released into the blood as an emergency response, causing a rapid heartbeat to send more oxygen throughout the body preparing for a flight or fight response. As a result, being persistently stressed can result in high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease & Hypertension the long run. Finding healthy strategies to manage stress, such as meditation, counselling, relaxing activities, or spending time with loved ones, can aid in the reduction and management of high blood pressure. 

Get enough sleep:  

Not getting enough sleep is one of the biggest issues faced by people in the modern world. Lack of sleep can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.  

Set a definite time for going to bed and waking up to achieve the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night. This will assist in resetting the circadian clock and promoting greater and deeper sleep. 

Monitor blood pressure: 

Regular blood pressure monitoring can help identify any changes and track progress. Work with your healthcare provider to determine how often you should check your blood pressure.  Similarly, you can use a digital blood pressure monitor from the comfort of your own home to track and identify changes and anomalies in your blood pressure.[4] 

Take medication as prescribed:  

If medication is necessary to manage hypertension, it is important to take it as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not discontinue the medicine without first visiting your doctor. If you have any concerns about the medicine’s effects, it is important to contact with your prescribing doctor or get a second opinion before discontinuing the blood pressure medication on your own. You can enhance your heart health, manage hypertension, and lower your risk of heart disease by following the lifestyle modifications mentioned above.  

  1. A 30-minute walk may reduce blood pressure by as much as medication | New Scientist 
  2. Can Exercise Help Regulate Blood Pressure and Improve Functional Capacity of Older Women with Hypertension against the Deleterious Effects of Physical Inactivity? – PMC ( 
  3. India national salt reduction campaign targets blood pressure, heart disease, stroke ( 

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