Environmental Policy

Based on the OMRON Group Corporate Motto and the OMRON Principles, we will contribute to the reduction of global environmental loads by maximizing the effective use of management resources such as human resources, materials, money and energy, and by providing useful products and services for society.
Policy 1
Considering the environmental impacts of OMRON Group’s business activities, products and services, we will establish the Environmental Management System globally and ensure continual improvement.
Policy 2
We will comply with the legal requirements and other requirements to which we subscribe concerning environmental aspects, and we will take actions for environmental conservation and prevention of pollution.
Policy 3
Under the Environmental Policy, we will establish and implement objectives, targets and programs, through periodic evaluations of those, and strive to improve, maintain and review the activities.
Policy 4
In order to accomplish the Environmental Policy smoothly and efficiently, we will communicate it to all employees by providing environmental education and activities, and also to subcontractors engaged in OMRON Group.
Policy 5
We will disclose the Environmental Policy and the status of our environmental activities to the public in an appropriate manner as necessary.